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How do you want to move in future cities?

Green Recovery for a new Vision of Sustainable Urban Mobility

TUMI2021 >>> 25 May

>>> The severe social and economic consequences of the pandemic demand creative solutions that will enable cities towards a green and just recovery. At the same time, we are facing a global climate and environmental crisis. It is pivotal that we effectively couple the emergency response to COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis to ensure a climate-compatible and just future. A successful green recovery demands a mix of climate-sensitive and equitable policy approaches; quick and immediate action, as well as finance that is directed where funds are most needed. A clear path towards a post fossil and sustainable transport system is needed. Urban leaders need support to turn away from assets at risk such as fossil fuel-based transport in order to access resources to support a socio-economic revival. Identifying, evaluating and understanding future-proof pathways creates long term certainty for investors and decision makers.

On 25 of May we will meet you in Journee. Enjoy a fully immersive experience where participants can visit high-level talks in the auditorium, join in workshop and live Q&A sessions or experience audiovisual sustainable mobility art with their 3D avatar. Ample networking opportunities will be available including our beach bar with drinks and music.

Our aim is to spark conversations and open doors: We want to stray away from discussing incremental steps towards greener cities. Instead, we are looking for bold ideas and solutions for future urban mobility systems and how political commitments for a Green Recovery can be operationalized to realize these visions.

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That was TUMI2021


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Morning Sessions

Plenary Session


Official Opening of TUMI2021 by BMZ

by Norbert Barthle / Parliamentary State Secretary, BMZ


Avoid and Shift – Welcome to the Future of Conferences

An Introduction to the 3D Event Space Journee

by Mio Loclair / Managing Director, Journee


Post COVID-19 The Momentum for Shaping the Future of Transport

by Maimunah Sharif / Executive Director, UN-Habitat


Rebuilding the backbone, respacing the streets

by Karen Vancluysen / Secretary General, POLIS


Designing the Future - Streets for Pandemic Response and Beyond

by Skye Duncan / Director of the Global Designing Cities Initiative, NACTO


Innovative and transformative: KfW’s financial contribution to sustainable mobility

by Roland Siller / Director General, Strategy and Latin America, KfW

Break-Out Session


Global E-Bus roll out – How to accelerate E-Buses around the globe

E-buses have the potential to transform our cities by decarbonizing public transport. But their contribution to cities does not stop at air quality and emission improvements. To enable cities to move forward on electrifying their fleets new challenges need to be overcome for a mass roll-out of electric buses. In this session TUMI will shed light on current trends and initiatives. Let’s help our cities electrify!

by Monica Araya / Clean Mobility Advocate , Climate Champions
Claire Birungi / Country Manager, Uganda, Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP)
Aparna Vijaykumar / Manager, Sustainable Cities and Transport Team, World Resources Institute (WRI)
June Yeonju Jeong / Associate Programme Officer Sustainable Mobility Unit, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

High Level Panel

Afternoon Sessions

Plenary Session


Public Transport Persists

by Mohamed Mezghani / Secretary General, UITP


Recovery for all? Why Gender Gaps Matter

by Dr. Yamini Jain Singh / Founder, Planit Consulting


Green Recovery in Transport – The Responsibility of Multilateral Banks

by Jamie Leather / Chief of Transport Sector Group, ADB


How iGens want to move in future cities

by Avanti Sharma / Activist, Pre-Teen Technology Specialist,


Future Proofing our Action towards Sustainable Mobility

by Daniel Moser / Management Head, TUMI


ICLEI's mission to facilitate local action for a green recovery and a just transition

by Gino Van Begin / Secretary General, ICLEI


Creating the 15 minute City for All

by Heather Thompson / Chief Executive Officer, ITDP


The future is active: the business case for investing in walking and cycling

by Carly Gilbert-Patrick / Global Program Lead, Share the Road, UN Environment


Zero carbon cities: steering green recovery through sustainable mobility

by Aniruddha Dasgupta / Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities


Green Recovery for a new Vision of Sustainable Urban Mobility: what is the EU going to do?

by Matthew Baldwin / Deputy Director-General, DG MOVE; European Coordinator for road safety and sustainable mobility


E-buses on the run: scaling sustainable finance

by Christoph Wolff / Global Head of Mobility and Member of the Executive Comitee, WEF


The Importance of International Development Cooperation for Green Recovery - Closing

by Elke Siehl / Director General Sector and Global Programmes , GIZ GmbH

Break-Out Session


Scaling up Transformation – From temporary to permanent city fixes!

Street space reallocation for walking and cycling proliferated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many cities have found success using quick pilot projects or ‘pop-up’ open streets and cycle lanes, to build support and shift policy to scale-up these interventions and make them permanent. This workshop will examine the tools and strategies cities use to ensure that the temporary re-imaginging of our streets leads to permanent change.

by Narendra Verma / Technical Expert Sustainable Urban Transport Systems, GIZ India
Kirsten Wilkins / Managing Director, Open Streets Cape Town
Shreya Gadepalli / South Asia Director, ITDP India


Shaping Inclusive Cities: Bridging the Gender Data Gap – Gender Workshop

Policy and mobility systems can only be be tailored to people’s needs if the mobility behaviours of all users are truly understood through inclusive data. The objective of the workshop is to outline tangible principles and corresponding actions that can be taken to address the gender data gap in transport. These principles and actions will be presented in an infographic/visualization that can be easily understood and shared amongst national and city officials and the transport community at large. The outcomes of the workshop will also directly feed into TUMI’s work under Women Mobilize Women in their upcoming work on addressing the gender data gap.

by Dr. Yamini Jain Singh / Founder, Planit Consulting
Orlie Gruper / Executive Advisor, EcoMotion

Moderator: Sheila Watson / Deputy Director, FIA Foundation



Monica Araya

Clean Mobility Advocate / Climate Champions


>> Global E-Bus roll out – How to accelerate E-Buses around the globe

Monica joined the global group Climate Champions team to lead the transport campaigns seeking to accelerate the uptake of zero-emissions mobility--wor read moreking alongside the High-Level Climate Action Champions. She has lived and worked in Latin America, Europe and the US, engaging leaders in government, business, philanthropies to advocate and guide decarbonization strategies. This means creating and supporting coalitions of diverse stakeholders guided by a shared vision. Monica holds a Master's degree in Economics from Costa Rica’s National University and a Ph.D. in Environmental Management from Yale University.
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Matthew Baldwin

Deputy Director-General / DG MOVE; European Coordinator for road safety and sustainable mobility


>> Green Recovery for a new Vision of Sustainable Urban Mobility: what is the EU going to do?

Matthew Baldwin is Deputy Director-General of DG MOVE and was appointed as European Coordinator for road safety and sustainable mobility in 2018. He w read moreas also nominated Manager of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities by 2030 Mission, a new venture for European governance. In his Commission career he served in the cabinets of President Barroso and in the cabinets of Commissioner Lamy and Commissioner Hill. He has also been Director of Market Access and Industry in DG Trade and Director of Aviation in DG MOVE.
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Norbert Barthle

Parliamentary State Secretary / BMZ


>> Official Opening of TUMI2021 by BMZ


Claire Birungi

Country Manager, Uganda / Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP)


>> Global E-Bus roll out – How to accelerate E-Buses around the globe

Claire Birungi is a country manager (Uganda) at the ITDP. Before joining ITDP, Claire worked as a Liveable City consultant with Health Bridge in Kampa read morela on public space accessibility projects. Thereafter, she worked as a consultant with Koleko Transport Planning and Engineering in Johannesburg. Claire Birungi holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Transport Planning and Engineering from the University of Cape Town.
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Maruxa Cardama

Secretary General / SLOCAT


>> Innovative financing mechanisms

Over the past 20 years, Maruxa has worked with leaders in government, parliament, multilateral institutions, activism, philanthropy and business acros read mores continents to advance equitable prosperity and climate change solutions. She has recently been appointed as Champion of the Pathfinder Initiative, which focuses on pathways for healthy zero-carbon futures. In 2019 she was selected to Chair the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference. Previously Maruxa founded Communitas, the multi-stakeholder coalition which pioneered knowledge-based advocacy for the SDGs on Cities and Human Settlements. She also served as Secretary General of Regions for Sustainable Development, and co-facilitated the engagement of sub-national governments in the UN Rio +20 Conference.
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Aniruddha Dasgupta

Global Director / WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities


>> Zero carbon cities: steering green recovery through sustainable mobility

Global Director of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, Ani specializes in international development and the urban environment. WRI Ross Center foc read moreuses on integrated solutions to long-standing and new urban challenges, utilizing innovative research, deep engagement and global partnerships. Ani leads a team of 300+ global experts who catalyze and accelerate transformative urban initiatives that turn cities into resilient, inclusive, low-carbon places that are good for people and the planet.
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Skye Duncan

Director of the Global Designing Cities Initiative / NACTO


>> Designing the Future - Streets for Pandemic Response and Beyond

Skye Duncan is the Director of the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) at the NACTO. She previously spent over 7 years working as a Senior Urba read moren Designer at the New York City Department of City Planning in their Office of the Chief Urban Designer, has worked as an International Urban Design Consultant, and has been an Associate Professor at Columbia University in New York City. She graduated as a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia in the Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design program and has a Bachelor of Architecture with Honors from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.
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Mike Enskat

Head of Section for Energy, Water and Mobility / GIZ


>> Innovative financing mechanisms

Dr. Mike Enskat is Head of Section for Energy, Water and Mobility, leading a team of about 200 international professionals in the Department for Secto read moreral and Global Programmes at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Mike Enskat holds a Master degree in European and International Politics from the University of Edinburgh and a doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
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Shreya Gadepalli

South Asia Director / ITDP India


>> Scaling up Transformation – From temporary to permanent city fixes!


Carly Gilbert-Patrick

Global Program Lead, Share the Road / UN Environment


>> The future is active: the business case for investing in walking and cycling

Carly Gilbert-Patrick is currently leading UN Environment’s Share the Road Programme. She previously was the Programme Manager for the UN-Habitat Sust read moreainable Transport for East African Cities Programme, working with city leaders in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Kampala to plan for implementation of bus rapid transit systems. Before moving to Kenya, Carly worked for Transport for London. Carly has a Masters in Business Administration with an elective in management. She also holds the UK Association of Project Management Professional Qualification (APMPQ).
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 Jain Singh

Dr. Yamini Jain Singh

Founder / Planit Consulting


>> Recovery for all? Why Gender Gaps Matter
>> Shaping Inclusive Cities: Bridging the Gender Data Gap – Gender Workshop

Dr. Yamini Jain is an urban and transport planner with two decades of international experience in research and consulting sectors. After working in In read moredia’s government and private consulting sector, she moved to the Netherlands for her PhD. She has worked on international urban projects, has published a book on Transit-Oriented Development, and number of international journal articles. She has lectured at premier universities in India, Norway, the Netherlands and Finland and has advised many PhD and Masters students globally.
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June Yeonju Jeong

Associate Programme Officer Sustainable Mobility Unit / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


>> Global E-Bus roll out – How to accelerate E-Buses around the globe

June Yeonju Jeong works at the Sustainable Mobility Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), focusing on electric mobility and soot-fr read moreee buses. She is currently coordinating the unit’s work on reducing the air quality and near-term climate impacts of diesel emissions from on-road heavy-duty vehicles as part of UNEP’s role within the Climate and Clean Air Coalition. She holds an M.Sc degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Seoul National University. In her native South Korea, Yeonju worked on issues such as city-wide infrastructure investment planning, overseas construction market analysis and urban gentrification issues for municipal governments and ministries.
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Jamie Leather

Chief of Transport Sector Group / ADB


>> Green Recovery in Transport – The Responsibility of Multilateral Banks

Jamie Leather is the Chief of the Transport Sector Group at the Asian Development Bank. He has over 30 years of experience in transport, working inter read morenationally with development organizations, governments, private sector and research institutions. Mr. Leather leads ADBs transport sector and overseas the strategic direction of ADBs knowledge, technical and financial support to its developing member countries, private sector clients, and partners. Mr. Leather obtained his Master of Science in transport planning and engineering from the Institute of Transport Studies, Leeds University (UK).
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Mohamed Mezghani

Secretary General / UITP


>> Public Transport Persists

Mohamed Mezghani has been the Secretary General of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) since 2018. He has been working in public read moretransport and urban mobility related fields for more than 30 years, and has previously been Deputy Secretary General of UITP (2014-2017), Knowledge Director (2001-2006) chairing the department developing content-related services and Senior Manager (1999-2001). He is a graduate in Industrial Engineering (Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis) and Master in Transport (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris), and started his career as a consultant in the French group, BCEOM and in the ADEME.
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Daniel Moser

Management Head / TUMI


>> Future Proofing our Action towards Sustainable Mobility

Daniel Moser is Management Head of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) at GIZ. In his position he leads the management team and pursue read mores the strategic development of the initiative and its activities. He is also closely associated with various activities in sustainable urban mobility at GIZ. In this capacity, he is managing sustainable urban mobility programs and interdisciplinary projects comprising transport, governance, city planning and urban technology. In his current position he is also advising the Government of Germany and the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development on sustainable urban mobility.
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Binyam Reja

Practice Manager and Acting Global Director Transport / World Bank


>> Innovative financing mechanisms

Binyam Reja is the Acting Global Director for Transport in the Infrastructure Vice Presidency of the World Bank. Mr. Reja oversees the World Bank’s Tr read moreansport Global Unit’s knowledge program, analytical studies, technical support to operational units, partnerships, and corporate mandates. He directs an extensive technical assistance program and analytical studies and leads a team of technical professionals and experts in the delivery of the program. Prior to being selected to this position, Mr. Reja was the Regional Practice Manager for China, Mongolia, and Central Asia where he oversaw a lending program totaling US$8 billion for China, Mongolia, and Central Asia covering all sub-sectors, including urban transport, BRT, metros, highways, railways, intermodal freight transportation and logistics. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Irvine, and attended the Executive Education program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
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Barbara Schnell

Director Sector Policy / KfW

>> Innovative financing mechanisms

Barbara Schnell is Head of the Sector Policy Department at KfW. She has worked in various positions in international project and export finance, corpo read morerate strategy as well as development finance and previously headed a division responsible for Financial and Private Sector Development in Asia. Prior to her career with KfW she worked as analyst and loan officer for J.P.Morgan and Dresdner Bank in New York and Frankfurt respectively. Ms. Schnell holds a Master degree in Business Administration from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands.
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Maimunah Sharif

Executive Director / UN-Habitat

>> Post COVID-19 The Momentum for Shaping the Future of Transport


Avanti Sharma

Activist, Pre-Teen Technology Specialist


>> How iGens want to move in future cities

Avanti enjoys coding, science and technology. She has introduced more than 200 students, in the age group 7 to 17, to the joy of coding and running co read morerporate events. Avanti accepted the role of Pre-teen Technology Specialist at Workshop4Me in 2017. Avanti launched Codeutainment on February 8, 2019 – a revolutionary concept, first of its kind in the world, where Coding, Science, and Mathematics are presented in an entertaining manner in a movie-hall to simulate the experience of watching an engrossing movie.
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Vandana Shiva

Founder, researcher and activist / The Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology, Navdanya


>> Earth Democracy: Local solutions to planetary problems

Dr. Vandana Shiva is trained as a Physicist and did her Ph.D. on the subject “Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” from the University read more of Western Ontario in Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy. Dr. Shiva founded a Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in Dehra Dun and initiated Navdanya, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources.
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Elke Siehl

Director General Sector and Global Programmes / GIZ GmbH

>> The Importance of International Development Cooperation for Green Recovery - Closing

Dr. Elke Siehl works for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH since 1997. The graduated economist heads the Sector a read morend Global Programmes Department since April 2020, being the operational department responsible for all sector programmes, emergency and transitional aid and construction projects, and global programmes that extend beyond the geographical scope of regional departments. Before she was heading the Corporate Development Unit, supporting and advising the company – in particular the senior management in the Head Office and the field structure – on every aspect of corporate development and management. Dr. Elke Siehl has comprehensive regional and technical expertise in the context of international cooperation, with a special focus on Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. She received her Ph.D from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt and lectured on change management in the context of economic transformation and development cooperation at Witten-Herdecke University from 2013 to 2015.
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Roland Siller

Director General, Strategy and Latin America / KfW


>> Innovative and transformative: KfW’s financial contribution to sustainable mobility

Roland Siller is Member of the Management Committee at KfW Development Bank in charge of Strategy, Policy and Latin America. Prior to this appointmen read moret, he headed KfW’s operations in Europe and Asia as Director General for 6 years. Since 2000 he has held various management positions at KfW as Director of Southeast Europe and Turkey, in the Strategy Department and in the Middle East North Africa Region. He has also served on the boards of various microfinance banks. Roland Siller holds a master degree in business administration and political science from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Strasbourg (France).
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Heather Thompson

Chief Executive Officer / ITDP


>> Creating the 15 minute City for All

Heather Thompson has been with ITDP for more than a dozen years, serving on its Board of Directors for eight years, and joining as CEO since 2018. She read more co-founded and served as VP of Programs at ClimateWorks Foundation, and was a Principal at California Environmental Associates. She has lived and worked abroad in China, the U.K., and Denmark, and holds a Master of Science in environmental economics from the University of York, U.K. and a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences from the University of California, San Diego.
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 Van Begin

Gino Van Begin

Secretary General / ICLEI


>> ICLEI's mission to facilitate local action for a green recovery and a just transition

Gino Van Begin is since 2013 Secretary General of ICLEI, the leading global network of local and regional governments committed to building a sustaina read moreble future. Gino joined ICLEI in 2000, became the Regional Director for Europe in 2002 and Deputy Secretary General in 2007. Over his 20 years at ICLEI, he has consistently worked towards ensuring ICLEI’s quality as a not-for-profit, responsible and forward-looking local government organization, empowering its members around the world to implement sustainable solutions to the increasing amount of challenges which they are facing. Gino Van Begin was born in Belgium and graduated from the University of Brussels as a lawyer. Before joining ICLEI, Gino worked in Russia for seven years as an advisor and as Team Leader to set up the EU-funded Environmental Centers for Administration and Technology in Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg. Prior to that, he worked in Brussels for five years at the European Commission.
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Karen Vancluysen

Secretary General / POLIS


>> Rebuilding the backbone, respacing the streets

Karen Vancluysen was appointed as Secretary General of POLIS in September 2014, after having been the network's Research Director for 8 years. Prior t read moreo that, she worked as network manager at ACCESS-Eurocities and as project manager at Langzaam Verkeer, a Belgian centre for mobility management. Since 1998, Karen has been involved in European urban transport networking and policy activities, and EU research and innovation projects covering a wide range of urban mobility topics.
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Narendra Verma

Technical Expert Sustainable Urban Transport Systems / GIZ India

>> Scaling up Transformation – From temporary to permanent city fixes!

Narendra is a transport planner with experience in working on projects related to sustainable mobility. He is currently working with GIZ on its bilate read moreral technical cooperation project “Integrated Sustainable Urban Transport Systems for Smart Cities (SMART-SUT)“ in India. The project works with smart cities of Kochi, Coimbatore, and Bhubaneswar with an objective to improve the planning and implementation of sustainable urban transport activities in these cities.  Prior Joining GIZ, Narendra was working with TERI where he was consistently engaged in research projects which focussed on issues related to urban and regional transport planning such as developing city sustainability guidelines and indicators, improving road safety on urban and rural roads, increasing share of railways in freight movement and so on. 
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Aparna Vijaykumar

Manager, Sustainable Cities and Transport Team / World Resources Institute (WRI)


>> Global E-Bus roll out – How to accelerate E-Buses around the globe

Aparna Vijaykumar is a Manager with the Sustainable Cities and Transport Team at WRI India. She supports the work on electric buses, working with bus read moreagencies to aid in their transition to clean technology. She recently co-authored a commentary on ‘Procurement of Electric Buses: Insights from Total Cost of Ownership’ which provides a deep understanding of possible areas of advancement and the associated pressure points in e-bus procurement in India. She has an experience of over 7 years working with stakeholders at the city, district and state levels to provide technical support, build capacity, shape policy and bring change on-ground. Aparna worked in the construction industry before moving on to cities. Aparna is a Civil Engineer by graduation and holds a master’s in Urban Planning from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
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Sheila Watson

Deputy Director / FIA Foundation


>> Shaping Inclusive Cities: Bridging the Gender Data Gap – Gender Workshop

Sheila Watson is Deputy Director at the FIA Foundation, a UK-based Charity which is committed to promoting safe sustainable mobility across the world. read more She is also Executive Secretary to the Global Fuel Economy Initiative. Her most recent role was as Senior Special Adviser to the UK Labour government at the Department for Trade and Industry, The Privy Council, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Foreign Office. Her former roles include Deputy Director of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies, and Policy Researcher at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Sheila has an Honours Degree from the University of Oxford, and an MSc in Economics from Birkbeck College, London.
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Kirsten Wilkins

Managing Director / Open Streets Cape Town

>> Scaling up Transformation – From temporary to permanent city fixes!

Kirsten Wilkins is the Managing Director of Open Streets Cape Town. For the past 12 months she has led the organisation through a context in which gat read moreherings have been impossible, yet the mandate of the organisation could not be more clear. Kirsten holds a Masters Degree in City Planning and Urban Design from the University of Cape Town, having trained and practiced in architecture before moving to the palimpsest of city. Her work includes strategic urban planning, community based-project management, precinct design, large scale event management and teaching those who will take over the reigns of undoing the legacy of apartheid spatial planning in Cape Town.
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Christoph Wolff

Global Head of Mobility and Member of the Executive Comitee / WEF

>> E-buses on the run: scaling sustainable finance

Dr. Christoph Wolff is the Global Head of Mobility and Member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum since June 2018. Prior to his read morerole at the Forum, Christoph served as Managing Director of the European Climate Foundation, delivering policy solutions for EU and Member State Governments in decarbonizing the energy, transport, cities and energy-intensive industries. Christoph is a Chemical Engineer by training with 17 years’ consulting experience from McKinsey & Co. He worked with airlines and airports, he led the global work on transformation of railway companies and was Member of the Board of German Rail, DB Schenker, leading International Railfreight and served Ferrostaal and ABB in executive positions in renewables.
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Workshop Hosts


Ariadne Baskin

Transport Policy Advisor, TUMI Team / GIZ

A sustainable mobility expert with on-ground experience in Africa, the Caribbean and Europe. Previously, Ariadne worked for C40 Cities and UN Environm read moreent focused on public transport and promoting the adoption of e-mobility, higher emission standards and cleaner fuels. She is a trained urban planner and holds a masters degree in Regional and Urban Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
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Leonie Guskowski

Transport Policy Advisor, TUMI Team / GIZ

Leonie focuses on on-the-ground implementation of sustainable mobility projects, and manages and monitors a variety of mobility projects supported by read moreTUMI. Furthermore, she strongly advocates for equitable mobility and is an expert on gender issues in transportation. She has been working for various departments and projects within GIZ for more than three years and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Economics.
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Rohan Modi

E-Mobility Policy Expert, TUMIVolt Team / GIZ

Rohan is a regulatory and policy expert and is working with GIZ for last 6 years on the topics of renewable energy and E-Mobility. With the global pro read moreject ‘TUMIVolt – urban mobility from renewable energy’, he is on an ambitious journey to promote 100000 e-buses by 2025. Rohan studied electrical engineering and holds a master’s degree in Power Management. Previously he has worked as a project engineer and energy consultant for numerous projects in India and Africa.
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Marvin Stolz

Transport Policy Advisor, TUMIVolt Team / GIZ

Marvin is an expert in e-mobility, working on the topic as Transport Policy Advisor at GIZ. There he supports the improvement of framework conditions read morefor integrated e-mobility solutions in cities within the global project ‘TUMIVolt – urban mobility from renewable energy’, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Previously he worked at KfW Development Bank both in the renewable energy and transport sector. Marvin studied Business Administration and holds a master’s degree in Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management. During his studies, he focused on the integration of electric taxis and buses on city level.
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